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The False Doctrine of the Trinity

[postlink] https://biblecontradiction.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-false-doctrine-of-trinity.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwq9CCPYpagendofvid [starttext]

Who does God reveal Himself to be in the Bible? How many divine beings are there in heaven? Is God three Persons in one as most Christians believe? Who or what is the Holy Spirit? In this presentation we show that God's nature is simple and easy to understand, and that it is we who have made it mysterious and confusing by misinterpreting what the Bible reveals about God and following tradition rather than the Bible. This is the companion presentation to "The gods of Babylon". We strongly recommend you watch that presentation first, in order to gain the essential background information. [endtext]
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